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USGS Flume Tests

Redefining Shallow Water Resolution

The USGS operates a scale model indoor river in their Geomorphology and Sediment Transport Laboratory in Golden, CO. It is used for sediment transport studies and flood modeling.

  • Because the water is extremely shallow (9 - 13 cm) they have difficulty mapping the flow patterns without draining the flume - which is time consuming and impacts the results of the test.

  • They used our LiDAR to map the shallow scale model river in real-time while water was flowing, resulting in high depth resolution under dynamic conditions.

  • The high resolution maps shown below represent 1cm depth resolution, and 1cm x 1cm horizontal resolution.

Note the fine detail, including small rocks on the surface of the water. 

9 cm Depth

13 cm Depth

Water Flow

ASTRALiTe mapped the bottom channel with 1 cm depth resolution under flowing water, detecting small objects beneath the water surface.

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