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ASTRALiTe LiDAR Technology has been verified to provide you with highly accurate results

2-in-1 Topo-Bathy UAV LiDAR

     LiteWave has made some major milestones in the validation of our revolutionary bathymetric capabilities, capturing data in a variety of environments. From the Rockies of Colorado, to the coasts of Hawaii, LiteWave has executed a series of projects and technology demonstrations that demonstrates the ability to capture and produce accurate, high resolution dual-baythmetric and topographic data sets. 

     On June 4, 2018, LiteWave successfully demonstrated its scanning 2-in-1 Topo-Bathy lidar system from a UAV platform, producing high-resolution bathymetric imagery. This new technology enables and improves mapping capability for a variety of applications, including: underwater infrastructure inspection, military logistics, natural disaster assessment and recovery, risk assessment for industrial retention ponds, and water resource management. The flight was performed in conjunction with PrecisionHawk, a leading provider of enterprise drone technology.  

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    LiteWave LiDAR provides highly accurate measurements of water depth with 1-centimeter depth resolution. Additionally, LiteWave's patented technology enables the detection of underwater objects with industry-leading precision, mapping the transition from land to water and determining the depth from shallow to deeper waters. LiteWave’s scanning LiDAR capability is now the optimal choice for both small scale and larger scale surveys and mapping projects for streams, rivers, ponds, lakes, and coastal environments.

       Below, the scene from the UAV is pictured to the left. The accurate LiDAR point cloud measurements from a single pass of the UAV are pictured below showing changes in both the water depth and in the topography of the lake bottom. Two submerged calibration targets used by ASTRALiTe to validate the measurements are clearly visible in the photograph and the data.

Calibration Block B

Calibration Block A

(Left) Photograph from the drone. (Right) A single-pass, real-time 3D point cloud from the UAV-mounted LiDAR system, showing both the water depth and the map of bottom height. Calibration blocks are clearly visible as rectangles in the photograph and 3D images.

Seamless Land-to-Water Transition


Shoreline Detection

Calibration Blocks

The system captured the topography above the water line. The calibration targets are clearly shown.


Note: The differentiation of the shoreline detection is clear and the transition from land to water is seamless. This represents a single-pass point cloud. 

Case Studies using the LiteWave EDGE

Click the buttons below to learn more about the various applications of EDGE and how to use it for your projects.

Coastal Hazards
DSC_0741 (1).JPG
River Engineering
Infrastructure Inspection
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